1、Sleep when tired and smile when awake。
2、All I hear is raindrops,falling on the rooftop。
3、Be yourself,everyone else is already taken。
4、We are all in gutter,but some of us are looking at the stars。
5、Get busy living or get busy dying。
6、When the world says “Give up”,hope whispers,“Try it one more time。”
7、Life may always have regret,but the future is still good。
8、Le vent se lève,il faut tenter de vivre。
9、Live a good life meet slowly。
10、Just love life。
11、Hell is other people。
12、Looking for no one like you。
13、The first one out of the big wind came home with me。
14、Try to meet the best。
15、In me the tiger sniffs the rose。
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